3 min readOct 18, 2020

I just wanted to take a momemt to introduce about the topic and to congratulate for being here , but before i continue , i wanted to send my best wishes to you and your family during this uncertain times .
its a difficult time for a lot of people right now .
stay safe throughout this pandenic and we will get strong through this .
Enjoy the read and wish you good luck
As i was saying today this post about THE strength OF subconcious mind, before starting the topic here this is the little introduction about the subconscious mind

We all know that there are two types of mind subconscious mind and conscious mind , subconscious mind means is a data bank for everything , which is not your conscious mind. it stores your beliefs , your
previous experience , your skills etc.. every time when you have an idea , or an emotion , a memory or an image from the past , this is the subconscious
mind communicating to your conscious mind.
your subconscious mind is strongest powerfull force . it makes upto 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs tofunction properly from eating and breathing to digesting and making memories .

So as i was saying about the strength of subconscious mind here i got some topics while i was reading the books i collected some intersting things and i m going share them with you . enjoy the read.

The 7 major highlights of subconscious mind
1 . Think good, and good follows . think evil ,and evil follows , the way you think you become , you are what you think all day long
2 . Your subconscious mind decrees. if you say , “i cant do it “ your subconscious mind works to make it true. alway select a better thoughts. decree i can do it or i will do it , i accept it in my mind .
3 . Your conscious mind is the watchman at the gate its chief function is to protect your subconscious mind from false impression. choose to believe that something good can happen and is happening now, your greatest power is your capacity to choose happiness and abundance.
4 . Your mind is not evil. no force of nature is evil . its depends how you use the powers of nature . use your mind to bless heal, and inspire all people everywhere .
5 . You are the captain of your soul ( sbconscious mind ) and the master of your fate . remember you have the capacity to choose. chhose life ,choose love, choose career ,choose health,choose happiness .
6. You have the power to choose . choose health and happiness . you can choose to be freindly or you can choose to be unfreindky. choose to be corcporate , joyous, freindly, lovable , and the whole world respond . this is the best way to develop a wonderfull personality.

7 . Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true , your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass .
believe in good fortune, divine guidance , right action, and all the blesssings of life.

so many highlights are there but i chose some of them from the book known as the power of your subconscious mind by Dr joseph Murphy Grab this book.

A puzzled mind create problems which dont even exist. where as a focused mind can do miracles.
work on your mindset get this new gadget.

Thank you so much for Reading this post , hope you enjoyed the post

Have a good day 😊


